Paris Sketchbook, Post 16, Musee d'Orsay
Musee d' Orsay was all about the Impressionists for me! After lingering through the gound floor atrium of marble statues, we headed for the third floor Impressionists. Moving, emotional, and ters of joy at seeing Monet, Renoir, Degas, Van Gogh, Vuillard, Sisely, Sargeant and more. Claude Monet's "Essai de figure en plein air (vers la droite)", 1886, is of his step-daughter, Suzanne Horschede. He painted many versions of her, this is only one of them. A note on my own work in this sketchbook, almost all of my sketches are drawn in ink first, no pencil drawing, then watercolored. This challenged me to trust my drawing ability and to live with the mistakes!
Later, we had a wonderful lunch in th Orsay's beautiful restauranet filled with incredible light, greek statues, glorious chandeliers , and colorful modern furnishings! You must go!