We toured Trier this morning, once an impotant Roman center of trade and commerce, almost 2,000 years ago. The Porta Nigra was the city gate to Trier. At the top of high hillside overlooking Trier were more Roman ruins, as well as the ruins of a Roman arena that we passed on our way up to the viewpoint. Once back in the center of town, attended the Easter Sunday services at the oldest catherdral in Germany. The choir and pipe organist were amazing, the hymns familiar but in German, and the swinging of the giant incense lamp a sight to behold!
A Celt community existed here, which predates Roman times. Celts continued to migrate east and northward eventually populating Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. We made our way through the center of town with beautifully built stone and stucco buildings with businesses on the ground floors and apartments on the higher floors. It was a lovely pedestrian only zone with a visitors' kiosk and carousel in the central square. All of my work on this page was stright to pen and ink, then watercolor.