I attended the January 11, 2020 meeting of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators , Western Washington chapter, at Seattle Pacific University! I had the priviledge of participating in “The Great Critique” with my book, “ Morley, Lavender, and Pinkney Find a New Friend”, which is looking for a publisher. the critique leader was author Kjersten Hayes, who has also taught art.
In her critique of my illustrations she said , “They were detalied, had a great sense of place, good com[position. hints of what was to come, and they danced across the page.” Critquing the writing she said that in the character mapping to make sure that the minor characters were part of the resolution of the problem, and to consider how Morley could have saved himself from the crows. There was round table input as well, which encouraged me to think about the why of the story. I shared that I was thinking in terms of future stories that would have Lavender and Pinkney as heroines in their adventures with Morley, and that Colin might find himself needing a friend in a future story. So note toself, make sure that each character is a part of the solution to the problem in the story. My first critique! Yay!